Friday, September 26, 2008



朋 友在我心里面永远都是美好的。无论任何时候时候或地点都少不了朋友,因为有朋友在不会觉得空虚,所以我很怕被朋友抛弃 。虽然偶尔我们都会以吵架来解决问题,这是无可避免的。我们有时在吵架的时候才能了解我们在朋友心理的价值,所以我不介意被朋友骂,反而还想了解她们多 些。
~ 友谊永固~



电脑游戏不一定只有坏处没好处 ,只是少年们不会好好利用而已 。多数的少年是因为现实生活的压力才沉迷于电脑游戏 ,有的着因为朋友的误导。那也不是他们的错,他们是因为在现实生活中找不到自己才沉迷于电脑游戏。
父母不应该给孩子太多压力,但也不应该太保护他们 ,这样会使他们一直依赖父母。父母都觉得电脑游戏学不到东西,宁愿把他们的孩子送到补习中心。这样不但得不到效果可能会弄巧反错,孩子们的成绩会逐渐退步。




I like Pokemon.

Today I'm gonna tell you about Club Penguin secret agents.

The case of the missing puffles.

First go to Ice Rink and pick up pictures and give it to Aunt A....
Then go to mountain and click on the arrow pointing to bunnyhill.
Go to Sport Shop.
Tell Mr. G the answer and pick up the other thing instead of the rope.
Go to Iceberg shoot out the life ring to those people and take the rope and go to mountain and fix the telescope.
You can see the puffles in somewhere using telescope.
Go to tallest mountain and take the rope throw it at the top and ta da mission accomplish.

The case of missing coins.

First go to talk to the other agents.
Then go upstairs and find a disk and a clip.
Put disk on the computer and press turn on button on the thing next to computer forgot whot is call.
Then go codes.
Find codes and go downstairs and fill in the codes.
Now go in and find the coins upside down.
It is filled by a magnet.
go talk to G.
Take a light bulb that will help u later.
he will open a drawer and now take the correct key and go back to where you find the disc place.
Ther is a door and use key.
Go out use your tools and open the Power plant thing.
Then put clip inside and will explode go talk to G.
Go to Night Club and click on the radio one of them will take you somewhere.
Click on light bulb.
Go to Fuse box.
Make all green.
Try and after that your mission is accomplish.

Going to trip

Next 1 day, i am going to melacca. I am so happy that i can go melacca for a trip.
Hello, i am FJH. I am 12 years old(2008).